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RETHINK Mental Health
Saturday, January 12, 2019
Thanksgiving Point, Velvet Room
3003 North Thanksgiving Way, Lehi, UT 84043
"Take pride in yourself. Own who you are!"
"Intentional Self-Care."
"We all have Mental Health. How can we take care of it?"
"We all need to be more aware of Mental Health in ourselves and others."
"Be open. Be kind. Be an activist!"
"I want to be aware of how my loved ones are doing by regularly checking in."
"Perfectionism or pretending to be perfect is damaging all of us."
"Determined to be more vulnerable, open, understanding, aware and inclusive."
"At points of access to care (schools, clinics, etc.) Need to change policy and practices to improve access."
"How important therapy is in schools for children of all ages is for the whole child."
"If you think you might need a therapist, you probably need one."
"We must remove unhealthy shame from our culture. It benefits no one and contributes no good to this world."
"Finding balance between allowing children to fail and being the support that they need."
"It is important to understand and honor different points of view."
"Thank you so much for this dynamic awakening opportunity. I would like to have this opportunity again."
"This will be helpful for young, mature and all. Great session!"
"I want to make a more conscious effort to be sensitive to others' pain and to support them."
"We all have hard days and need to be willing to reach out to others."
"To feel like you BELONG is CRITICAL to MENTAL HEALTH."
"There is peace and love in the world."
"Separate culture from religion."
"No more judging - just love others."
"Be open. Love others."
"I need to find my voice."
"Doing my part to be an ally for Mental Health."

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