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Millennial Policy Tank

Leadership & Advocacy Training

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Public Advocacy

Tap into The POWER of Public Advocacy: From knowing the legislative process from the inside out to knowing who the key players are and how to leverage these relationships to achieve desired policy outcomes. 

Tap into The POWER of the Op-Ed:  From drafting compelling arguments and pitching the right outlets successfully to identifying the most strategic frameworks, authors and allies that will garner maximum support for your issue.   

Public Speaking

Tap into The POWER of Public Speaking:  From drafting compelling speeches to becoming a confident, dynamic and charismatic speaker who has the ability to communicate their message in a clear and concise way that will connect with their audience.  

Social Media

Tap into The POWER of Social Media: From learning how to use social media to promote your campaign to building your network of support and taking your fundraising game to the next level. 

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